Sunday, June 28, 2009

Commercial Fishermen Choose Grundens Rain Gear.

Grundens Rain Gear is a Hit for Fishermen.

After commercial fishing on the pacific coast for over two decades I can tell you with certainty that the number one choice in foul weather gear is Grundens rain gear. The reason we all choose Grundens rain gear is fairly simple,it is the best product,for the price,on the market today. There are plenty of other foul weather gear manufacturers,but Grundens rain gear is the best when it comes to keeping you dry and flexibile when performing the grunt work involved in commercial fishing.

Grundens rain gear is coated with a heavy layer of pvc,making it the best for water resistance. This heavy layer of pvc is also very comforting when it comes to heavy objects smashing against it,which is just about a constant when it comes to crabbing or working in a fish-hold. They also keep you very warm in the elements,also a huge consideration when looking for foul weather gear.

Grundens bib pants come in a few varieties,from lightweight to the heaviest rain gear around. When it comes to fishing in cold climates you definitely want heavy gear with lots of water resistance. All of the bib-style rain pants have loose leggings at the bottom,so if you are on a boat that is awash with water frequently,you will certainly want to invest is tie-straps to keep your pants dry underneath,also a must for the fisherman on a drag boat that is always bent down sorting fish,dover slime is just nasty ;-)

Grundens rain jackets are top of the line and a must for the commercial fisherman. When choosing the right fit for you make sure to consider the neoprene cuffs for your sleeves. Many of the jackets come with these and I can tell you they can really save you alot of discomfort from getting your sweatshirt soaked from a jacket without them. If you do get the jacket with neoprene cuffs,make sure you wear your gloves over the top of the cuffs with the top of the gloves rolled over,this will prevent water from going up your sleeve. Even just wearing the neoprene cuff over your gloves gives water enough room to slide in between and eventually soak at least the lower sleeves of your sweatshirt. You will also want to consider whether or not you want your Grundens rain coat to have a hood. This is totally a personal choice and it depends solely on what type of fishing you are doing and whether or not you want to wear a rainhat while on deck. I know plenty of crewmates that absolutely will not wear a hooded raincoat,and I totally understand where they are coming from. The hood not only limits your hearing,but also can limit your vision,and we all know how important it is to be 100% aware at all times while offshore fishing in such a harsh environment. If you opt to get the unhooded raincoat you are going to definitely want a good waterproof rain hat. Climbing under the dripping netreel without a hat just one time will leave you yearning for one until you hit port,and your scalp may not forgive you for quite some time.

When you buy your new Grundens rain gear,make sure it is the right size for you,I know most people reading this article will have already had experience with Grundens rain gear and know their size. Next you need to make sure you keep the snaps waxed! This is the most delicate part of the raingear and over time you will end up pulling the snaps away from the material,which will render your raingear useless in nasty conditions. Also you need to make sure to never put your raingear away wet and dirty,it is well worth the five minutes it takes each day to keep your raingear clean and at least somewhat dry.

Have fun fishing in your new Grundens rain gear and I will be hoping you have many,many plugged loads to deliver in the future. Happy Fishing!

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